Plans & Pricing

Predictable Pricing

Scalable Plans


$0 / month

  • Unlimited Agents
  • Website chat widget
  • Shared inbox
  • Unlimited conversations
  • Unlimited history
  • Email integration
  • Knowledge base
  • News Center
  • Ticketing System
  • Lead Generation
  • Workload management
  • Unlimited articles & collections
  • Multilingual Support (45+ languages)
  • Consent Forms
  • Custom Attributes
  • Teammate Management
Remove Branding

$29 / month

  • All features included in the Free Plan
  • Custom Domain for Help Center
  • Custom Domain for News Center
  • Remove Web2Chat Branding
  • Customizable Email Domain
  • Priority Support
  • 99% Uptime Guarantee

Fine-tune your plan with AI


$19 / month

  • All features included in the Free Plan
  • 2,000 message credits/month
  • 11,000,000 characters/chatbot
  • Upto 200 training web pages
  • 10 file uploads

$49 / month

  • All features included in the Free Plan
  • 5,000 message credits/month
  • Upto 2,000 training web pages
  • 100 file uploads

$99 / month

  • All features included in the Free Plan
  • 10,000 message credits/month
  • Upto 10,000 training web pages
  • 500 file uploads

Frequently Asked Questions

No, there are no hidden fees. All costs are transparently listed in our pricing plans.

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time to suit your needs.

No, there is no limit on the number of support tickets you can manage with any of our plans.

If you exceed the usage limits of your plan, you will be notified and given the option to upgrade to a higher plan to accommodate your needs.

Yes, we offer discounts for annual billing. Please contact our sales team for more details.

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Your service will continue until the end of the current billing period.

Message credits are used when the AI responds to a message. Each plan includes a certain number of message credits, and additional credits can be purchased as needed.

A Workspace in Web2Chat represents a separate environment for your team where you can manage chats, settings, and integrations independently from other Workspaces. Each Workspace has its own plan and add-ons.

Message credits are renewed monthly, based on your billing cycle.

There is no limit on the number of messages that can be sent, but the number of AI responses is limited by your message credits.

Yes, Web2Chat supports multilingual capabilities and can work on websites in various languages.

There are no additional usage charges beyond your selected plan and any optional add-ons you choose.

Aura is the AI-powered assistant integrated with Web2Chat, which uses advanced AI to respond to customer queries and support requests.